Akash Angle

Unable to install FLUXION 5.9 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Fluxion is a security and auditing tool re-search tool, it is a remake of the popular linset. This package as…

1 year ago

Ubuntu does not boot properly

I've come across this issue, many a times in my personal Desktop Linux chores. And trust me this is a…

1 year ago

WordPress Images not loading properly? An instant solution to this common problem

After tinkering down with a half-a-dozen workarounds on the Wordpress Dashboard -- this issue does not seems to be fixed…

1 year ago

Hiding a particular user from the login screen?

Note:- Your display manager may vary from lightdm or gdm, gdm3 etc depending on your distro. But strictly as mentioned…

2 years ago

No Internet in Ubuntu, editing /etc/resolv.conf brings it back, but is this safe?

Editing resolv.conf wont give you internet access if you don't already have it, but this edit can fix a very…

2 years ago

How to enlarge root (/) partition?

If we're talking about bare metal and desktops/laptops then this might be the next impossible solution on a given Linux/Unix…

2 years ago

Undo (cp) copy command in Linux/Ubuntu

Let's say you've copied a giant chunk of data from a source to destination something like this: sudo cp From_SOURCE/*…

2 years ago