You might encounter this error which appears to be very common on Debian based Distro’s out there in the wild!

Strictly speaking apt-get command has been deprecated now at the time of writing and you may run apt install anytime you want in your current Ubuntu/Debian or Mint based Linux distributions.

The simple solution to the problem is this as shown below:

Note that you might need to type the above commands manually since then you would be in better state of time etc in the installation chores.

Just replace Package_Name by the actual Debian package above and you’d be good to sail smoothly.

Meanwhile if you’re chocking then try this below:

sudo apt-get clean


sudo apt-get -f install

I hope this has resolved many wild issues out there!

By Akash Angle

I am a Full time Linux user who has quit using Windows for unknown reasons, making my life truly open source.

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