Ubuntu vs Fedora Linux.

Ubuntu vs Fedora Linux.

So now, here I don’t care where you’ve landed(into the Tux World of course!) but this thing is mostly questioned  when it comes down to Linux distribution or “distros” in short and before we boil down to the differences between the two most popular Linux distributions of all times, let us see what the Wikipedia wants to tell us.

[Note:- This article has no relations or affiliations to distrowatch or any other leading website’s/platform’s which ranks the Linux distro’s for a Newbie to an Expert, the aforementioned contains are as stated per my personal experience and taste, humour etc. So let’s Go]

Ubuntu:- It is developed by a company named Canonical, which is an UK based company founded by a famous entrepreneur named Mark Shuttleworth, whereas Fedora is based on Red Hat, developed by Red Hat, IBM and contributers around the world and Ubuntu is based on Debain(which is popularly called as mother of operating system or an universal free operating system).

Ubuntu releases are every 6 months annd after every two years they launch a LTS(Long Term Release/Support) as the name says it all for 5 years. Fedora on the other hand is most bleeding edge and has the latest kernel possible stable of-course as much as possible but there are no long term releases down here and it has a support of free upgrades upto 13 months.

Fedora and Ubuntu has different binaries so a software or an app written specially for Ubuntu/Debian and it’s derivatives cannot be run on other Linux distros.(the package format is .deb which is an executable). Fedora has .rpm(red hat package manager.)

Ubuntu has an apt package manager also called as apt-get to fetch packages from the repositories over the internet via command line or the GUI. Fedora on the other hand supports the legacy yum(yellow-dog update modifier) or the latest one is dnf(dandified yum), ie. it just fetches the delta updates/upgrades and hence lowers down the bandwidth considerably.

Modern day softwares are now written in Snap or Snapcraft as developed by Canonical. Fedora has developed it’s own technology for package re-distribution called Flatpak. Do note that now Flatpak runs on latest version of Ubuntu and vice-versa, but still yet to be considered in a nascent stage.

Recent studies shows that Fedora is more faster than Ubuntu in shutting down speeds and also has an improved battery life. Ubuntu is faster at boot-up times.

The other difference according to me is that Fedora has a lot of dependencies on it’s packages. Hence it has to fetch and might take some more time to update as compared to Ubuntu which is more streamlined and less dependent on the software dependencies.

Remember Fedora is bleeding edge but better in terms of stability as compared with Arch Linux, manjaro etc. Ubuntu is the most stable OS out there after Debain and Mint.

So now my favorite is Fedora anytime folks and I’ve been using it since version 14. At the time of writing the latest version is 28. I already use Ubuntu LTS 18.04 as my secondary desktop OS too. So folks let me know in the comment section below about what are your thoughts and opinions of Fedora, Ubuntu etc.


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