Encryption can be a de-facto standard for privacy paranoid peeps out there, but yay! we do need it sometime or say most of the time, when using specially a flash drive or something portable drive which people tend to use mostly if and when required in there daily chores of digital life.
Toucan is a small utility allowing you to synchronise, backup and secure your data with more options than the built in suite utilities. It is split up into 7 tabs, allowing you to easily find the function that you want. This version features:

- Five synchronisation modes, Copy, Mirror, Equalise, Move and Clean. These can be combined with a variety of file checks such as File Size, Modified Time and a File Header Check to minimise the amount of copying needed.
- Backup and restore in industry standard Zip, 7-Zip and GZip files, with support for complete backups, updating existing backups and differential backups, as well as restoring files from an archive. Automatic testing of created archives is also supported as is password protection.
- AES-256 encryption using ccrypt.
- A complete command line system allowing you to create new jobs and run existing ones from the command prompt or a batch file.
- A Rules system that allows you to easily exclude files based on their name, a regular expression, their modified date or file size.
- An advanced scripting system using the Lua programming language that allows complex scripts to be created, anything from a backup script that automatically uploads new backups to a script that synchronizes your files to a USB drive and then encrypts the sensitive files in case of loss.
- A large collect of in built Variables for basic functions such as the date and time or more complex variables that point to the drives label or documents directory. You can also define your own as short cuts to paths on your USB drive or your PC.
- Many other features such as support for the new Windows 7 taskbar, full drag and drop support and translations to many languages.
VeraCrypt is the successor of TrueCrypt. It comes as a portable app that runs directly from your flash drive. VeraCrypt does require Administrator rights to operate. It uses on-the-fly AES 256-bit encryption. The free version is limited to drive sizes of 2 GB.

VeraCrypt features on-the-fly encryption using multiple different encryption algorithms, including 256-bit AES, Serpent, and TwoFish, as well as combinations of these.

This free edition can create a hidden, encrypted, and password-protected partition of up to 8GB on your USB flash drive. The tool uses automatic on-the-fly encryption with AES 256-bit key length.

You can open the protected container by clicking the Rohos Mini.exe icon from the root folder of your USB thumb drive. After entering the password, the Rohos disk will mount as a separate drive and you can access it via File Explorer.

To close your Rohos partition, right-click the Rohos icon in the Windows Taskbar notification area and select Disconnect.
Note:- Friendly advice for all take regular backups and be safe from data theft or corruption.