Franz – An Instant Messenger which cramps more then 20 different IM services !

Franz – An Instant Messenger which cramps more then 20 different IM services !

Meet Franz, an all new shiny desktop cross platform messenger which integrates more than 20 messenger services(at the time of writing), which is nothing but a tabbed browser sort of an app where multiple credential logins for more then one account is possible for any given service. For example if you have 2 discrete whats app account(say one is business and another one personal) then login for both of them is possible. It’s like Pidgin or Empathy + Chromium browser or midori browser mix. It’s available for Windows, Mac and a slow punch in the air ie. Linux as well(the last 2 are in beta, so be cautious)

The developers behind the app say the ‘annoyance’ of needing to have ‘different apps or browser windows’ open to stay on top of messages and chat drove them to create it.

Just download the proper package from the website(here its a 32 bit archieve package extracted) and click on the Franz icon as shown to start the app.

The apps supported are:-

  • WhatsApp
  • Telegram
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Skype (messaging only)
  • Steam Chat
  • Google Hangouts
  • Slack
  • HipChat
  • WeChat
  • GroupMe
  • Gitter
  • ChatWork
  • Discord
  • Grape

and many more to come…

What about Privacy?

This application provides good enough security as the credentials are not stored in their servers, the login of services are directly though usernames, passwords, pins, IR code etc, so there is no other API or middleman in between, hence all safe to go.

Franz is built on the Github’s Electron framework.

[via:- Franz official website]




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7 years ago

Thank you very much for your blog.

I enjoyed reading this article.