Get the most juice from your ISP/router — setting MTU size & other handy tweaks

This is not an ad-vocation by any means for TP-link branding, however a real life scenario to enhance and get the maximum performance from your ISP/router. Thanks Rohan — for pointing out this to me and I just thought my OCD shall make me blogging on this tweak. Let’s talk about MTU, which is nothing but a maximum amount of data packets that can be sent, perhaps not fragmented most of the times — thanks to Fiber optic connection in my opinion. Imagine the maximum amount of load that can be carried in a singular connection considering this as a payload of packets shooting to/fro from device to router all the time.

The below shown handy screenshot from a Windows machine, using a Terminal or a Power shell prompt shows a geeky way to achieve this.

Going further I’ve also shown my routers internal Dashboard page for clarity where the concerned value/size is hard-coded and restarting the router makes me go mesmerizing.

I have mentioned the latest firmware section of my router which shows deets and seems to be self-explanatory in a straightforward way.

PS: Anglehit blogs works/presents in a simplified manner where Images speak/shout out the most — as always keep sharing and you guys are amazing!

If you get any hiccups for experimenting the same, feel free to flare me down below on the comments section.
Happy Tweaking!

By Akash Angle

I am a Full time Linux user who has quit using Windows for unknown reasons, making my life truly open source.

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