How to speed up your Android phone

How to speed up your Android phone

We all know that 8 out of the 10 smartphones on the planet is an Android. So as per the statistics 85% + phones run some custom based UI or say a stock/vanilla UI of an Android. Since there are so many OEM’s out there, the experience varies for each and every device out there and yes we are only talking about Android phones out here. So let us begin, as Anglehit explains:

Make sure you have some free space in your internal memory, atleast say 900 megs + and above is good to go in a modern day Android. If incase you run out of space use the external SD card in order to transfer few files from the internal memory, again if your device is too old or say you have a phone like Oneplus or something great use cloud storage and get free space or make free space in the internal ROM area.

Anglehit suggests you use a good AV, ie. an Anti virus software which can be free one or perhaps you can buy one for an year or so or maybe lifetime for your particular Google account, again the choice is completely upto the users. There is a debate going on whether Android needs an AV or not but trust me any OS out there can be vulnerable to attacks or say some worms or trojans can take your device for a toss. I recommend Kaspersky or AVG.

Keep your device up-to-date as always. This may not be always true as future updates may slow the devices but yeah you know what it’s always a good habit and making sure to stay updated always helps in some way or the other. You get good features and can be ahead or be bug free as compared to your peers who use similar apps/software’s

Uninstall unwanted apps. Yes, you have heard this a lot of times and Google play store and other peeps out there keep on saying this as it is a good habit and also your device does not become a resource hog!

Use external memory cards to store more music and other multimedia files as much as possible.

Again coming back to the above point, using a good quality branded SD card with ratings of Class 10 and above can really be your best bet as the internal memory is freed the external storage has/should come into the picture, that’s how i have built my habit and may recommend that to you too.

For advanced users, those who tend to take a lot of pictures, videos & multimedia freaks sort of can be entitled to use an USB flash drive with type B storage that can be swapped in any direction and easily connected to your Mac or PC.

Do not install apps from third party as they could turn out to be malacious. Always keep security in mind and turn that option off inside your Settings. I know some developers and tech enthusiasts would love to fiddle around with .apk files but this post is considering every Tom, Dick and newbies around.

Remove cache files say every fortnight. This really does marvel, let me tell you.

Last but not the least few more tips, restart/reboot your phone atleast after or say 500+ hours of uptime(that’s as per my opinion can do wonders).

Folks those who think i missed something let me know in the comments section below and Grr… you always have an option to root your phone and install some custom ROM, but I’m not considering this down here in my post, but still Lineage OS is my fav for stock ROM experience on any Android after all. Thank you for reading.

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