Windows 8.1 surpasses windows XP on desktops.

Windows 8.1 surpasses windows XP on desktops.

windows 8.1 statistics

It has been almost one and half years after its release the windows 8.1 has finally edge passed windows xp on the desktops. Windows 8.1 has slowly but surely grown over the decade old XP. The stats are as shown above.

It’s just 1% rise but enough to gain momentum and good news for the die hard win 8.1 fans. Meanwhile Windows 7 still enjoys most of the share at whooping 61% plus. The windows 8 is still behind fifth place behind apple’s OS X Yosemite.

However there is one thing to note. Microsoft’s latest Windows 10 is coming this July 29th and its a free upgrade for all windows 7 and 8.1 users. The people running XP or vista have to pay for the upgrade, so that’s a no brainer.  Microsoft is also trying to unify this time its Windows 10 operating system with tablets, laptops and mobiles along with its entire eco-system.

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