CloudLinux investment for more than a Million Dollars into CentOS clone

CloudLinux investment for more than a Million Dollars into CentOS clone

When Red Hat, CentOS's Linux parent company, announced it was "shifting focus from CentOS Linux, the rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), to CentOS Stream, which tracks just ahead of a current RHEL release," it lost a lot of friends. CentOS co-founder, Gregory Kurtzer, immediately announced he'd create his own RHEL clone and CentOS replacement: Rocky Linux. He wasn't the only one. CloudLinux also proclaimed it would create a new CentOS clone Lenix. And, CloudLinux shall pour money into this perhaps a more than a million USD.
Why Linux is a preferred choice for Techies

Why Linux is a preferred choice for Techies

Talking about nerds and geeks whomsoever concern ;-) Linux is definitely a way to go for a plethora of reasons. The free and open source nature and a strong code base makes it all the lovable reasons for a wannabe techie to adore Linux. Now wait I know there are plenty of Mac folks out there who are also techies and perhaps Windows users too but we are not considering this here for time being at-least as firstly this is a blog powered on open source tech and written on Linux OS and secondly Mac's are shiny exhilarating flamboyant toys which costs too much and hey those Windows well they are Windows after all and take your call now, we ain't talking on Mac and Windows, only Linux here folks so here we go:
AppImage – Linux apps that run anywhere

AppImage – Linux apps that run anywhere

"As a user, I want to download an application from the original author, and run it on my Linux desktop system just like I would do with a Windows or Mac application.""As an application author, I want to provide packages for Linux desktop systems, without the need to get it 'into' a distribution and without having to build for gazillions of different distributions."
Android Security – Things to do once your device is compromised

Android Security – Things to do once your device is compromised

Android by far is secure in nature as it has inbuilt features that makes it formidable since it's Linux inherited after all, i mean Android is nothing but a Linux kernel on which there are fancy tech things like SE-Linux etc, well I ain't going too deep here but now shall start to mention few ways of making Android or rather getting the same old feeling that one gets before his/her phone got hacked, yeah i understand that. The bad vibes and the frustration you have when your device is not working smoothly or up-to the mark.