Ubuntu is like the most used Linux OS or a distro out there hence has a huge market share in the so called free and open source community. So in my opinion i coin it as the Windows of Linux or Gnu Linux.
We all know that installing a .deb package is rather simple and most of the time a one single click can do the job. But when things break, you know those dependencies can make you cripple. So let's find an easy solution for most of the command line lovers out there including me too, as Anglehit explains:
Keep your device up-to-date as always. This may not be always true as future updates may slow the devices but yeah you know what it's always a good habit and making sure to stay updated always helps in some way or the other. You get good features and can be ahead or be bug free as compared to your peers who use similar apps/software's
A hacker is a highly skilled computer operator who uses bugs and exploits to break into computer systems and networks. An ethical hacker, on the other hand identifies vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks, and plugs these holes. Here's a round-up of the best OS's for ethical hacking and pen testing.
Just keep a bootable Fedora USB stick handy, over here i shall be using Fedora 27 though the latest version is fedora 30, it does not matter as long as we follow the steps given below.